Helping leaders nail it every time.
Mentoring, advising, project management and facilitation.
Leading is hard, but you are talented, motivated, and strong. Like every other leader, you just need support from someone who gets it — someone who’s been there, and who’s learned the hard lessons. I’ve been a leader, advisor, mentor and coach for over two decades. I know how to shepherd individuals and teams to solve the tough problems and dig into their vast potential.
I understand you. I speak your language. I can help you get where you want to be.
Advice and assistance for leaders
You’re closer than you think. With the support of an objective, experienced consultant, you and your team will be able to identify the root and solve the tough issues you’ve been bumping up against.
Create a plan to alleviate financial pressure (and help you sleep better!).
Increase revenue sources and boost your budget.
Address behavioral challenges that are getting in the way of success.
Recalibrate your organization’s culture to attract and retain excellent staff.
Get your board excited to engage, to give, and to lead.
Host a retreat that your staff will be excited to attend!
Make smart, long-range, pro-active decisions that get you off the reactionary hamster wheel.
Conduct a 360 degree organizational health analysis.
Confidential and personalized advice to help you succeed
Working together to complete your tasks and accomplish your goals
Designing and leading productive meetings and retreats